4WD Clubs enhance families’ 4wdriving experiences!

There are hundreds of families and individuals across NSW that are passionate about 4WDriving and camping – and many belong to individual 4WD clubs.

Clubs have been around for decades and were usually formed by a bunch of mates who all shared the same 4WDriving interests – whether it be the same style of vehicle or the same destinations – who would always get together to enjoy their travels. As time went on, the number of clubs and memberships grew, and so did the need for a governing body.

4WD NSW and ACT has been around since the late 1990’s and is an affiliation of 4WD clubs within the state of NSW (including ACT). It is the peak body of 4WD and a lobby group for the promotion of the use of 4WD as a legitimate sustainable recreational activity in Australia.

Club President Craig Thomas said 4WD NSW and ACT is part of FWDA (Four Wheel Drive Australia) who are made up of the state representative groups, and who as a whole, represent a vast majority of four wheel drivers within Australia!

“As individuals, 4WDrivers can be looked up on incorrectly as a stereotypical group of individuals – whereas the truth of the matter is that all 4WD owners, that are members of affiliated clubs within the 4WD Association, are responsible members of the community. In fact many of us often comment on the fact that we are simply ‘conservationists who drive four wheel drives!’” Craig said.

“The vast majority of member clubs are family based groups. Groups that go away as friends over a weekend or holiday and enjoy the great outdoors – and yes that is the WHOLE family which is included!”

“As a group, all club members tend to volunteer their time whenever possible and are involved with National Parks, State Forests and other community areas for working bees, rehabilitation, track maintenance or even “Clean-Up Australia” initiatives. We have been involved in Camp Quality weekends, bush fire relief and even been called up on for assistance in recovery operations with floods.”

Of course the biggest reason people join clubs, says Craig, is so that they can go 4WDing together with our families, share stories, travel and experiences as well as exchange information about other great places they have been.

“Safety is always first in mind with all activities with all club members being encouraged to attain a driver training certification which is also available through the association.”

“All 4WDers are invited to become a member of their local four wheel drive club and then by affiliation, the 4WD Association of NSW. Membership has priceless benefits of friendship and camaraderie. It also helps protect your rights for driving off the bitumen!” he said.

4WD NSW & ACT are the proud owners of the Sydney 4WD and Adventure Show and are very pleased to welcome you to this exciting event!